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- QAAMS is a long-standing, well-established and successful national health program for First Nations Peoples that has been continuously funded by the Australian Government since 1999.
- QAAMS provides training for Aboriginal health professionals in the use of point-of-care testing (POCT) on the DCA Vantage and supports the use of the DCA with a world-class quality management framework.
- We have a proven track record. There is a strong evidence base gathered over many years that validates POCT for diabetes diagnosis and management under the QAAMS Program.
- Has been well-accepted by clinicians, Aboriginal health professionals and clients with diabetes
- Provides a convenient, accessible, culturally and clinically effective service
- Has contributed to improved health outcomes for both individual clients and groups of clients with diabetes
- Delivers POCT that is analytically sound
- Works effectively, and is adaptable across services in urban, rural and remote locations and in Aboriginal health services with small, medium and large infrastructures.
- As an active QAAMS participant, you will have access to:
- QAAMS specific Medicare rebates for both HbA1c and ACR for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients is available to GPs registered under the specialty code 601
- On-going training support and updates
- Opportunities to participate in the annual QAAMS Workshop
- Regular reports on the analytical quality of your DCA Vantage device
- A range of support services from the QAAMS Management Team and QAAMS National Leadership Forum
- Regular newsletters
- Full access to the QAAMS website
- Opportunities to network with other Aboriginal health professionals and health services from across the country to share information and build supportive relationships.