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Issues To Consider

10 things to consider before joining QAAMS

IMG 9232Please ask your CEO or Director to complete the 10-point checklist below.

  1. Are you an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service or a State/Territory funded Aboriginal Medical Service?
  2. Is diabetes a major health problem in your community?
  3. Is diabetes a health priority at your medical service?
  4. Does it take some time to receive your laboratory results?
  5. Does your health service have an interest in point-of-care testing (POCT) and want to take greater control of your diabetes services?
  6. Does your health service have a DCA Vantage (POCT device) or sufficient funds to buy one? (The current retail price is approximately AUD $3850)
  7. Do you have the required staff resources to assign an Aboriginal health worker (or nurse) to be responsible for POCT?
  8. Will your Aboriginal health worker (or nurse) be allocated specific time to conduct both client testing and quality testing? (Quality testing involves a regular fortnightly testing commitment.)
  9. Will your Aboriginal health worker (or nurse) be appropriately supported by your clinical and administrative team in his/her role as a POCT operator?
  10. Are you prepared to ensure your Aboriginal health worker (or nurse) is allocated sufficient time for ongoing training and competency (re)assessment?

If you answered YES to ALL 10 questions, then the QAAMS Program is likely to be of benefit to your service. If you would like to join QAAMS then you can complete out our enrolment form. If you need any further information, please contact the QAAMS Management Team.